Thursday, 23 June 2011


Don't you just love it when something happens at the same time as another and it just totally rocks! like you drop something and something else makes a huge noise and your sitting there going "WTF I swear it wasn't me!".
This keeps happening to me, today and pretty much all week. E.g. My mother got into the car and turned the key to start the ignition and at that exact time a police siren started, WTF, it was sooo cool to see the look of pure horror on her face as she thought it was after her!!

I dropped something, can't remember what it was (I think it was gum into the bin) but a car backfired at the same time, WTF, gaave me a fright as I thought I was being shot at!!!! (yes me, the hardened criminal litterer:D)

tee hee hee, moments like these you need mintieeeeeees! (just felt like sayin that!)
nah moments like these make life a little more interesting and get the heart going.

(and yes i realise that this is a pointless post but in my description it does say that i wil post things like this from time to time!!)

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